Monday, April 5, 2010

Day Thirty-Three.

We had revision for exam in class today at 0900. We did past year paper in class and Ms Neo went through with us. We decided to leave one past year paper undone because we want to practice on our own at a later time. So, we were released early. Not forgetting today is our last lesson which means we had already finished two modules. Finished meaning there’s no lesson anymore but we still have examination and that’s when it is really finished. It’s really a good experience being able to have lesson held overseas. It’s really a different environment which we will never forget. After lunch, meet up with my group mates and we continued with our project. Soon after, my friend and I headed off to meet up with the rest around evening time at 销品茂-Shopping Mall to get tidbits and stuffs at Wal-Mart. We bought so much that we had to ask the service counters staff to pack our stuffs into boxes. But they gave us bad attitude and anyhow squeeze our things in. No choice, we had to repack when we reach our hostel. Another thing we came across is, we had to take taxi back because it is impossible for us to carry those boxes and board a bus back. So, when we were hailing, the cab driver saw those boxes we had, they ignored and drove away. I feel that the local drivers should not choose customer, choose in the sense that, they are only willing to fetch those further distance. Compared to Singapore, Singapore drivers fetch anyone to any places, they treat is luck, be it shorter distance or further places. Luckily, after several rejects, we managed to hail cabs and got back just in time.

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