Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day Eighteen.

Today, all of us thought we were late, so hurriedly we prepared. But the sound system did not alert us like yesterday. So, headed to the uppermost deck and realized we are still in the fifth dam. The view of the dam is much clearer than last night. Not long after, we were asked to proceed down for breakfast. The dishes were the same as the previous day. Checked out at 0700 and boarded the bus to see the process of building the dam at the Three Gorges Project Center. Get to know that, Mr. Sun Yat-Sen suggested that in order to improve the upstream, a dam must be built in order to allow ships to go downstream and use the water resource as power. This idea is put off due to the lack of money as well as resources. Hence, in 1994, it was confirmed as 毛泽东 saw severe floods occurred so decided to bring this idea up again. Rocks are used to construct the dam is tested at different location. Advanced technology and highly-skilled workers are needed. We toured around and get to know more information during each stop we alight. After the visit, we headed to 燕莎大酒店 at 宜昌 for our lunch. Fire crackers can be heard after we reached there because there’s someone celebrating his 80th birthday. Many of us covered our ears but still, trying to peep at it. Because it is the first time we see fire crackers with our naked eyes. Singapore forbids citizens to “play” with it as it is very dangerous provided there is special occasion, government will then approve, at certain areas only. For instance, during the eve of Chinese New Year at Chinatown, the cracking sounds of fire crackers can be heard. After that, we sat the 4 hours bus journey back to Wuhan. In conclusion, building a dam can prevent floods or other disasters to occur. Also, shorten the route of the ships. It really impressed both the tourists and the people in China. Singapore can look upon China in their advanced technology and creativity. 
Fifth Dam

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