Monday, March 8, 2010

Day Five.

Its SNOWING! Lesson has started today. Was briefed and there's a rule,whoever came in late, will be fined. This is to ensure everyone will be punctual. Started off with lecture and do some assignments. Half way through the power supply cut off, it is very uncommon for us to see this in Singapore. Plus there's some constructions going on, interrupting the lesson. Just wondering, why they cannot do it after students finish their lesson or something. Feel that we are actually very fortunate to have a conducive environment for us to study. After lesson, everyone stayed back to discuss about the skit we were supposed to perform the next day, during the "interaction" section. Then 华菜士 for dinner. Returned to hostel and the snow got bigger. Everyone was looking forward to this day, feeling excited and ran out to take pictures. The locals saw our reaction and give us a kinda weird look. But its natural because Singapore only has one season.

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