Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day Three.

It was raining and snowing today. Some of the students manage to experience it. Had porridge for breakfast and it was different from Singapore. The porridge is sticky but it taste nice. After eating, went to a shopping mall, Huan Le Kong Jian, at Jianghan to shop. The locals helped us to bargain for everything we were interested in as they think that we may get cheated. Shopped for quite a while and headed to have steamboat for our lunch, which is walking distance away. The food is hot, plus the cold weather in thus makes us feel warm. Ate quite a lot and decided to go to the KTV at Xin Min Zhong Le Yuan after that. We took bus there and it was crowded. The people there will just squeeze their way through just to board the bus. Seats will not be offered to either elderly or needy. Reached our destination, sang till around 2100 and went to MacDonald to grab a bite. Cabbed back to hostel then, as it was already quite late.

Reflections: This is the first time taking bus which is powered by electrical in China. There isn't any in Singapore. And no matter how many stops, the price is the same. Announcements are also given so as to alert passengers that they will not miss their stops. Signs like, offering seats to those who really need it should be placed. Also,get to differentiate the way of approaching of the salesperson promoting in Singapore and in China. In China, they are more outspoken and daring, but sometimes they might just scare off their customers. 

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