Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Day Fourteen.

Had mini quiz today where we have to go up one by one using Ms Neo's laptop to show her our " practical skills." Lesson resumed around 1200 after the quiz and class ended early in order for us to have sufficient time to finish up our project. Headed to Bank of China at 建设一路. Thought we could actually change our money there, but to no avail. Had to go all the way to 建设五路 to change. Took 面包车(private bus) back. In China, not only do they have private cab, they also have private bus. The cost is 50cents cheaper. A lady will sit in the front and collect money from us instead of those "money machine." But the risk is that you have to hop onto the bus fast and alight as soon as possible. The bus will not wait for you. Also, notice that, in China, they do not have any door bells in the bus. The bus driver will stop at every stops. If someone did not manage to alight, he will have shout his lungs out to "signal" the bus driver that he hasn't alighted. Think that, they should mind as well install door bells. Its time consuming and convenient to both parties, the bus driver and passengers. If happened the bus is crowded, people will be screaming and shouting just to get down.

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