Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Day Six.

Had two hours lesson and off to Jian She San Lu, for steamboat at a restaurant. Its three story high and the customer service there was way better than the rest we had been for the past few days. Had combined rehearsal and learn the dance steps for the ending to MDE's performance. Went to meet the china students as they came to bring us over to the hall for us to get ready first. Shortly, everything began, the performance went smoothly and it does bring laughter to those students. At the beginning, everyone was worried that the china students will find it boring. But unexpectedly, it turned out to be a successful one. And it brought them fun, joy and laughter. After the performance, realized that planning is important. Also, without teamwork, things cannot be done up properly, so as to meet the requirements. Putting up this skit, not only can we interact with them, it also allows them to know more about Singapore.

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