Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Day Twenty.

It was raining in the morning. The drainage system is not very good even though their technology is kinda advanced. It is quite normal to see floods here when the rain start to pour. So, we managed to reach class as fast as we could, avoid stepping those puddles of water and started our day with a new chapter: PERT-Program Evaluation and Review Technique. Its somehow like mathematics or rather, applied statistics which is taught in the previous semester, and a lot of calculations is needed. And that, calculations are needed in order to calculate the activity duration when it is uncertain. After lecture, did two assignments and one practical. Before we left, our lecturer, Miss Neo, briefed us on our projects. Also, mentioned that, the WUST lecturers asked if Singaporeans always take their own sweet time, doing their things slowly. Probably, from what they see is like this, so they assume it is like that, but in actual fact, we knew that its not. In order to prove them wrong, we will catch up and be cautious of our actions. So that, from our actions, they can leave good impression of Ngee Ann students and to see the positive image of us, Singaporeans. Then, we went to The Greenery Cafe at 建设二路 for dinner. The ambiance is good. We expect the food to be as good. But after eating, we found out that it was below our expectations. Meanwhile, we were analyzing the names of those dishes. All of them were direct translated. However, we knew that English is not their first language, but they can at least hire people to help them to "edit", so that foreigners will not have difficulty in understanding.


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